Steroid Joint Injections Specialist

Diagnostic Imaging of Milford
Medical Diagnostic Imaging Centers located in Milford, CT & West Haven, CT
Given our country’s aging population, severe joint pain is increasing, with some 14.6 adults suffering for this ailment, according to the Centers for Disease Control. If you’re among them, the blue chip team at Diagnostic Imaging of Milford, in Milford, Connecticut, can help with expertly administered joint injections.
Steroid Joint Injections Q & A
What are Joint Pain Injections?
Cortisone is a substance that’s naturally produced in the body by the adrenal glands. A synthetically produced version of this substance is injected into joints to reduce inflammation, and in turn, alleviate pain for increased mobility. Joint injections are most commonly used in the: ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, spine or wrist.
What Does Getting a Joint Injection Entail?
This is a simple procedure. The injection site is cleaned with disinfectant and then numbed with a topical anesthetic. Next, a needle is injected and guided to the precise spot by fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy is a real-time x-ray that allows the doctor to watch an image of the needle on a monitor as he directs it to the exact spot. The cortisone medication, which includes an anesthetic, is then released into the injection site. The anesthetic provides immediate pain relief; the cortisone relieves pain and inflammation over time.
What is an Epidural?
An epidural is a steroid injection strategically administered into a small space in the back or neck to alleviate pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves. This includes conditions such as spinal stenosis, spondylolysis, herniated discs, and sciatica. An epidural injection can provide sufficient pain relief that can eliminate the need for potentially addictive oral medications, delay or eliminate the need for surgery, and enable a patient to participate in a rehabilitation program.
What Does Getting an Epidural Entail?
The patient lies face down on the treatment table. The injection site is cleaned and a local anesthetic is injected to numb the treatment area. Next, a contrast dye is injected into the treatment area. Combined with fluoroscopy, a live-time x-ray, this enables the doctor to place the needle as close to the inflamed nerve root as possible. Discomfort is minimal. Patients are usually able to walk around immediately after the procedure and resume their regular activities the following day.
Participating Insurances
Diagnostic Imaging of Milford accepts all major and most secondary insurances. Patients are expected to bring their insurance card to the office at the time of their examination. Claims are submitted through our billing company, McKesson Corp. For questions regarding patient statements and insurance, patients may call (800) 360-4391. Fees for non-covered services and co-payments are expected at the time of your visit.
*We strongly recommend that patients call our office if their insurance carrier is not listed. Additional insurances are added frequently.